Hayley Archer

Hayley has been with the ACLU of Wisconsin since March 2024.

“In the struggle for justice, the only reward is the opportunity to be in the struggle. You can’t expect that you’re going to have it tomorrow. You just have to keep working on it.”

Frederick Douglass

Hayley works as a staff attorney with a primary focus on LGBTQ+ issues, reproductive justice, disability rights, and First Amendment matters in schools

Hayley previously worked in a private plaintiff-side employment rights firm, where her primary focus was LGBTQ+ and gender-related issues in employment and schools. She represented workers facing discrimination, hostile work environments, unequal pay, sexual harassment, and more. She litigated claims under state and federal law that led multiple employers to remove gender-related healthcare exclusions from insurance plans. She also represented students experiencing discrimination related to race and gender identity. Hayley is actively engaged in the legal community: she presented a CLE to various groups on making the legal industry more inclusive for transgender and gender-nonconforming people; has spoken on local, regional, and national panels on a range of topics; and is a recurring guest-lecturer at UW-Madison Law School's LGBTQ+ Law class.

During law school, Hayley interned with the Hon. Ann Walsh Bradley, assisted with co-counseling on the Boyden v. Conlin transgender rights case with the ACLU of Wisconsin, was a Peggy Browning Fellow in Labor Law, and graduated cum laude from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Hayley's organizing background includes work toward reproductive freedom, universal healthcare, LGBTQ+ rights, and climate justice.